Yuklab olish

City partners Toshkent


ООО ЧАКМОК-ТЕЗКОР, Taxpayer ID: 310607353
Shahar bo‘yicha (Toshkent)
Minimal narx 
3700 soʻm
Bepul kutish
3 daq
Pulli kutish 
550 soʻm/min
Keyin shahar bo‘ylab
870 soʻm/km
Keyin shahar bo‘ylab
370 soʻm/min
Keyin shahar tashqarisiga
2200 soʻm/km
Keyin shahar tashqarisiga
370 soʻm/min

Service Partner rates may vary. The maximum price of services is specified without taking into account the Rush Hour pricing.

The estimated ride price specified in the service may change depending on the rates of Service Partners, as well as in the event of a change in destination during a ride, stops at the request of the passenger, and in other cases.

A multiplier may be applied to the cost of the ride during "Rush hours," as per the cases laid out in the Terms of Use.